игры даром!
Поиск игр для бесплатного скачивания: |
# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - РУС
3D_Shooter - Action - Adult - Arcade - Educational - Logic - Quest - RPG - Simulator - Sport - Strategy - Other
Pac - in - Time - Arcade - Mindscape - 1994
Pacific Air War 1942: with War scenario - Simulator - Microprose - 1994
Pacific Strike v 2.0 - Simulator - Origin - 1994
Packman - Arcade - The Duplicators - 1984
Packman - Arcade - IBM - 1982
Paint Brawl - Arcade - Head Games - 1998
Pandemonium - Arcade - Crystal Dynamics - 1997
Pandemonium 2 - Arcade - Crystal Dynamics - 1997
Pango - Arcade - Sheng Chung Liu - 1983
Panic Soldier - Strategy - Trigger Software - 1997
Panzer Dragon - Action - SEGA - 1997
Panzer General - Strategy - SSI - 1994
Panzer General 2 - Strategy - SSI - 1997
Panzer General 2 (rus) - Strategy - SSI - 1997
Panzer General 3: Scorched Earth - Strategy - SSI - 2001
Paratrooper - Arcade - Greg Kuperberg - 1987
Parker Brother's Monopoly (win) - Logic - Westwood - 1995
Parole - Educational - AF Computers - 1991
Pax Imperia: Eminet Domain - Strategy - THQ, Inc - 1997
PC Foreplay - Adult - IGC Interactive - 1995
PentaWin - Logic - -
PentaWin II - Logic - -
Penthouse Jigsaw - Adult - Electric Jigsaw - 1990
Pentis - Arcade - - 1987
Pentix - Logic - Marta & Adrian Sonco - 1987
Pepper's Adventure in Time - Quest - Sierra - 1993
Perfect Assasin - Quest - Synthetic Dimentions - 1997
Pharaoh (rus) - Strategy - Sierra - 1999
Pinball - Arcade - - 1985
Pinball 2000 - Arcade - Frogman - 1993
Pinball 4000 v.M2PC4001 final - Arcade - Expert Software - 1995
Pinball 97 - Arcade - Maxis - 1997
Pinball Dreams 2 - Arcade - 21 Century Entert - 1994
Pinball Fantasies - Simulator - 21 Sentury - 1995
Pinball Fantasies deluxe - Arcade - 21st Centure Entert. - 1995
Pinball Illusions - Arcade - 21 st Century - 1995
Pinball Mania - Arcade - 21STCENT - 1995
Pinball Wizard 2000 - Arcade - Ikarion - 1996
Pinball World - Arcade - 21st Century - 1995
Pipe Dreams - Logic - Lucasfilm - 1989
Piranha - Arcade - Virgin - 1996
Pirates! - Strategy - Microprose - 1987
Pirates! Gold - Quest - Microprose - 1993
Pitfall: the Myan Adventure - Arcade - Activision - 1995
Pizza Tycoon - Strategy - Microprose - 1994
Planet Blupi - Strategy - Epsitec - 1997
Player Manager 2 - Sport - Anco Games - 1995
Pocahontes - Arcade - GT Interactive - 1995
Police Quest 1: In Pursuit Of The Death Angel - Quest - Sierra On-Line - 1987
Police Quest 2: The Vengeance - Quest - Sierra On-Line - 1988
Police Quest 3: The Kindred - Quest - Sierra - 1991
Police Quest 4: Open Season - Quest - Sierra On-Line - 1993
Pop!: The Balloon Dog Puzzle (rus) - Arcade - Zero Ent. - 1998
PopCorn - Arcade - Lacral Software - 1988
Populous 3: The Beginning (rus) - Strategy - Bullfrog - 1998
Pornpipe - Adult - Image Line - 1997
Porntris - Adult - Image Line - 1997
Postal - Arcade - Ripcord Games - 1997
Powball - Arcade - Spectrum HoloByte - 1997
Power Poker V1.0 - Logic - - 1997
Pray for Death (fix) - Arcade - Virgin - 1996
Pray for Death. Pre-Release. - Arcade - Virgin - 1996
Pref Club - Logic - - 1991
Prehistorik - Arcade - Titus - 1991
Prehistorik 2 - Arcade - Titus - 1993
Premier Manager 3 - Strategy - GREMLIN Interactive - 1994
Primal Rage v.1.0 8 MEG release - Arcade - Time Warner - 1995
Prince of Persia 2 - Arcade - Broderbund - 1993
Prince of Persia v1.3 - Arcade - Broderbund - 1991
Prisoner of Ice - Quest - Infogrames - 1995
Private Investigator - Arcade - Image Line - 1996
Privateer - Simulator - Origin - 1993
Privateer 2: The Darkening - Simulator - Origin - 1996
Privateer: Speech pack - Simulator - Origin - 1993
Pro pinball - Arcade - Empire Interactive - 1996
Psycho Pinball - Arcade - CODEMASTERS - 1995
Pushover - Logic - Ocean - 1992
Puzzle Beauty - Logic - Dynasty - 1994
Puzzle Mania - Logic - Power - 1993
Pyramid - Logic - Thin Chen Enterprise - 1988